Samsung Galaxy S22 series is now receiving One UI 6

Samsung Galaxy S22 series is now receiving One UI 6
By: GSMArena Posted On: November 20, 2023 View: 90

Samsung announced a roadmap for over 30 phones that will get One UI 6 in the near future, and next in line were the Galaxy S22 flagships. We can confirm the Galaxy S22, Galaxy S22+, and Galaxy S22 Ultra are now receiving the update, which is based on Android 14 and is 3.1 GB in size.

Changelog for the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra
Changelog for the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra

The changes that Samsung brought with firmware version S908BXXUDWK4 (the first several letters might differ, depending on the S22 version) are redesigned Quick Panel, notifications interface, a new media player widget, and more emojis. There are also new clock styles for the lock screen, as well as more placement and size options.

Owners who haven't received the notification and want the update should head to Settings and then click on Software Update, followed by a tap on Download and Install. This is the second major OS update after Android 13 arrived in the S22 series in early 2023. If Samsung keeps its promise, we should see two more OS updates – Android 15 in 2024 and Android 16 in 2025.

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