Marginal Revolution  

The Prisoner’s Dilemma of Non-Competes

I agree with Tyler, that the FTC ban on non-competes is overly broad and not tailored to fields wher ...View More

The Norwegian ban on smart phones in middle schools

Here is a new paper by Sara Abrahamsson.  Perhaps there is Norwegian exceptionalism at work, bu ...View More

Why do I prefer current airport procedures?

Michael Stack writes me: “Hi Tyler – you wrote about preferring current airport procedures to pre-9/ ...View More

It’s happening, Reid Hoffman AI twin edition, wwrgs?

Why did I deepfake myself? To see if conversing with an AI-generated version of myself can lead to  ...View More

Imagine recording and storing everything you read

Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses just got a massive Multimodal upgrade – Meta AI with Vision It doesn't j ...View More

What can LLMs never do?

By Rohit Krishnan, he and I are both interested in the question of what LLMs cannot do, and why.&nbs ...View More

What is the proper policy toward tourists?

That is the topic of my latest Bloomberg column, basically you should charge them fees rather than d ...View More

More Tuesday links

1. AI Camera turns your images into poetry. 2. Highly capable model locally on your phone. 3. Clara  ...View More

Four Thousand Years of Egyptian Women Pictured

In an excellent, deep-dive Alice Evans looks at patriarchy in Egypt using pictures drawn from four t ...View More

Hiring discrimination sentences to ponder

Several common measures — like employing a chief diversity officer, offering diversity training or  ...View More

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