
Why is the Biden Administration Against Fee Transparency in Education?

President Biden has made a big deal of simplifying fees: The FTC is proposing a rule that…would ...View More

Barcelona escalates its role in the war against tourism

…residents of La Salut neighbourhood in Barcelona are celebrating a move to wipe themselve ...View More

The Ludwig von Mises comeback

That is the subject of my latest Bloomberg column.  Here is one excerpt: The Austrian economis ...View More

Charlotta Stern and Fabio Rojas

Sociology and Classical Liberalism in Dialogue: Freedom is Something We Do Together https://rowman.c ...View More

Does the NYT not recognize child abuse?

“I have one partner now with three kids. He is transmasc, and he’s radical about the way he raises t ...View More

Data on private security forces

From a recent paper: We bring novel data to bear on these questions, presenting the largest empirica ...View More

LDS and indeed USA fact of the day

Thus, approximately 1 out of 7 people who I classify as a Latter-day Saint attends [religious servic ...View More

The progress in Progress Studies

Here is a very good article by Ronald Bailey of Reason magazine.  Excerpt: The contours of the  ...View More

A portrait of Portugal

…at least half of a population of ten million depend on the state in some way—35% are retirees, ...View More

The Adderall Shortage: DEA versus FDA in a Regulatory War

A record number of drugs are in shortage across the United States. In any particular case, it’s diff ...View More

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