Amazon Shutters Amp, Its Live Audio Broadcasting Platform

Amazon Shutters Amp, Its Live Audio Broadcasting Platform
By: Pitchfork Posted On: October 04, 2023 View: 134

Amazon is shutting down its live streaming audio service Amp, Bloomberg and CNBC report. It was one of several corporations to enter the live broadcasting app space following the success of Clubhouse. Amp featured live and call-in style shows hosted by major artists including Nicki Minaj, Pusha T, Lil Yachty, NBA Youngboy, and others.  

“We’ve made the difficult decision to close Amp,” an Amazon representative said in a statement shared by CNBC. “We learned a lot about how live music communities interact in the process, which we are bringing to bear as we build new fan experiences at scale in Amazon Music.” The team behind Amazon’s Amp was hit with layoffs last year.

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