FOX is the latest network to confirm post-strike return dates, and there are some big shockers.
No, we're not talking about 9-1-1: Lone Star Season 5 being banished to fall 2024.
We're talking about one of the network's most reliable performers, Family Guy.
The animated hit that has been canceled more than once and returned to much fanfare is on the move.
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As revealed Tuesday, the series will move to Wednesdays beginning March 6, 2024, where it will air out of Animal Control.
Both comedies are being paired up with The Masked Singer.
Having Family Guy away from Sunday nights will be different, but perhaps it's a test to see if some of the other Sunday mainstays could be moved to new nights.
It's hard to imagine the move triggering the series' demise.
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If that happened, it wouldn't be long before it moved to Hulu or some other Disney-owned service or network.
Despite sagging on-air ratings, the series still makes a lot of money.
Family Guy has aired on Thursdays, but that was over 20 years ago.
Sundays on FOX will consist of The Simpsons, Krapopolis, The Great North, and Grimsburg.
The only two dramas on the network's early 2024 schedule are The Cleaning Lady Season 3 and Alert: MPU Season 2.
Both shows will air on Tuesdays, beginning March 5, 2024.
The decision to keep scripted dramas off the air for that long is... a choice, but FOX is focused on a variety of programming nowadays.
Celebrity Name That Tune will be back on the air on Tuesday, January 2, where it will be paired with The Floor.
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Early in the new year, before Family Guy and the Masked Singer return, I Can See Your Voice and We Are Family will air on Wednesdays.
Monday will be home to TMZ Investigates, and the return of America's Most Wanted, beginning January 22.
Next Level Chef will be paired up with Farmer Wants a Wife, beginning February 1.
It isn't the most exciting schedule, but the network is trying to zero in on financially feasible programming, which explains the decreased reliance on scripted.
Truthfully, we wouldn't be surprised if the network left dramas behind entirely, but some shows in development have been pushed to the 2024-25 season.
Check out the complete list of premiere dates below.
Tuesday, January 2
8 p.m.: Name That Tune
9 p.m.: The Floor
Wednesday, January 3
8 p.m.: I Can See Your Voice
9 p.m.: We Are Family
Sunday, January 7
8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT: Grimsburg (follows NFL game)
9:30 p.m.: The Great North
Monday, January 22
8 p.m.: TMZ Investigates
9 p.m.: America's Most Wanted
Sunday, January 28
10 p.m. ET/7 p.m. PT: Next Level Chef (follows NFC Championship game)
Thursday, February 1
8 p.m.: Next Level Chef (regular time)
9 p.m.: Farmer Wants a Wife
Sunday, February 18
9 p.m.: The Great North (new time)
9:30 p.m.: Grimsburg (regular time)
Tuesday, March 5
8 p.m.: The Cleaning Lady
9 p.m.: Alert: Missing Persons Unit
Wednesday, March 6
8 p.m.: The Masked Singer
9 p.m.: Animal Control
9:30 p.m.: Family Guy (new time)
What are your thoughts on the premiere dates?
Are you surprised by anything?
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Paul Dailly is the Associate Editor for TV Fanatic. Follow him on X.