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What are the candidates doing this week?

What are the candidates doing this week? WELL LETS TAKE A LOOK.Trump is the classy president. He ...View More

Today Kari Lake Admitted That She's Been Lying To You

This was her chance to prove that her election was stolen. She could have showed up in court and ...View More

Montana’s high court strikes down voting reform laws

Unrestricted access to absentee ballots during the early voting period, ballot harvesting, and t ...View More

RFK jr Causing Democrats To Panic

[unable to retrieve full-text content]The Biden campaign is in a panic. RFK jr. is on the ballot i ...View More

How JFK Stole the White House

If the Globe says so it must be truestill I am stunned that the Dolly and Elvis romance was relegate ...View More

I own four homes and have $800,000 in liquid assets. I’d like to retire in two years. Can I do it?

[unable to retrieve full-text content]“I am a professional in good health, living in Arizona.”

Elitists Would Rather Win By Cheating Than Lose By Playing Fair In The Election

What? I don’t know where you get your news. But you might want to spread out a bit from Truth So ...View More

Biden Wanders Off Stage Because He Couldn't Resist Smelling Another Baby

Biden can't resist babies. It's not because their parents offer them up to him.....but he see's  ...View More

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